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Privacy Policy

The Assemblée nationale du Québec invites you to consult its privacy policy, which applies to personal information that it collects through technological means. Publication of the policy is required by section 63.4 of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information (CQLR, chapter A-2.1) (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"). The Act applies to the Assemblée nationale subject to parliamentary privilege.

Personal information is information concerning a natural person which allows the person to be identified. This definition can be found in section 54 of the Act.

Collection and use of personal information

Means used to collect information

You directly provide the personal information collected by the Assemblée nationale when you communicate with it, whether verbally or in writing, or when you fill in fields on a web page or form, such as when you

  • sign a petition;
  • comment on a matter under study;
  • take part in an online consultation or survey;
  • make a reservation for a tour of the Assemblée nationale;
  • browse the Assemblée nationale website (in which case the information is collected by means of cookies);
  • file a complaint;
  • subscribe to one of the Assemblée nationale newsletters.

Sending personal information by email

Since emails are not always secure, they are not recommended for sharing personal information unless encryption is used. It is recommended that you not share certain personal information, such as your social insurance number or credit card information, by email.

Sending personal information via forms

The Assemblée nationale collects personal information through forms and questionnaires employed by website users to

  • take part in online consultations;
  • comment on matters under study;
  • submit requests to participate in a parliamentary committee;
  • sign electronic petitions;
  • register for educational activities;
  • file complaints;
  • subscribe to one of the Assemblée nationale newsletters.

On these forms and questionnaires, some fields are identified as mandatory and must be filled out for the request to be processed. The rest of the fields are optional.

The information entered on these forms and questionnaires is submitted to the Assemblée nationale via a secure connection that has a URL starting with https shown in the address bar.

Some information collected through forms is managed by Microsoft Forms for processing by the Assemblée nationale. The personal information provided in this manner is protected by Microsoft. For further information on the confidentiality of your personal information in this context, please visit

The newsletter subscription information is collected using a platform provided by Dialog Insight. For further information on the confidentiality of your personal information in this context, please refer to this third party’s Privacy Statement. 


When the Assemblée nationale requests personal information, it must ensure that using the information is necessary and that it is used for the purposes for which it was collected. In addition, the collection of certain personal information requires specific consent. In such cases, the following information will be provided to you:

  • the person or entity on behalf of which the information is collected;
  • the purposes for which the information is collected;
  • the means by which the information is collected;
  • whether the request is mandatory or optional;
  • the consequences for you or for another person, as the case may be, if you do not consent to the collection of the information or, if applicable, if you do not consent to the transmission or use of the information collected pursuant to an optional request;
  • the rights of access and correction provided by the Act.

Personal information categories

The Assemblée nationale has categorized the personal information it may collect from you and the purposes for which it is collected.

Information categories and purposes for which your information is collected
Information categoryType of information collected Purposes for which your information is collected
  • First and last name
  • Email and mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Province or state
  • Country
  • Verify your identity
  • Grant you access to the buildings of the Assemblée nationale
  • Allow you to register for an activity at the Assemblée nationale
  • Identify you as a petitioner
  • Allow you to make a reservation at the Le Parlementaire restaurant
  • Allow you to take part in an online consultation
  • Allow you to comment on a matter under study
  • Identify you as a person who has filed a complaint or an application, or who has disclosed a wrongdoing, and follow up on these matters
  • Allow you to subscribe to one of the Assemblée nationale newsletters

Registration for an educational activity

Note: The personal information collected may vary according to the context of the activity.

  • Name of educational institution attended
  • Occupation (student, teacher, etc.)
  • Health insurance number
  • Allergies or dietary restrictions
  • Medications
  • Image and voice
  • Allow you to register for an educational activity at the l’Assemblée nationale for you or your child
  • Ensure appropriate supervision and safety of your child
  • Ensure that activities run smoothly
  • Promote the activities on the Assemblée’s platforms, including social media

Contest applications

  • Date of birth
  • Resumé
  • Image and voice
  • Receive your contest application (e.g., Political Book Prizes)
  • Promote the Assemblée’s contests on its platforms, including social media

Complaints or disclosures of wrongdoings

Information you provide about your complaint or disclosure

  • Ensure the handling and follow-up of your complaint or disclosure

    Note: Complaints and disclosures of wrongdoings are handled in a confidential manner and any personal information provided is protected

Use of our website

Cookies are used to collect information, including:

  • The computer’s truncated IP address (the address is not logged in a format that could be used to identify a web user)
  • Information about your device, operating system or browser
  • Information on your browsing behaviour, (e.g., pages visited, including dates and times)
  • Ensure that the website functions properly
  • Improve the browsing experience
  • Analyze browsing data

Access to personal information

Only persons authorized by the Assemblée nationale may access the personal information collected, and such persons have access to that information only if it is necessary for the discharge of their duties. The categories of people likely to have access to your personal information include:

  • security employees;
  • employees responsible for handling complaints;
  • visitor services and the educational mission employees;
  • parliamentary committee employees;
  • communications employees.

Use of personal information

The use of the personal information collected is limited to the purposes for which it was collected.

Transmission of personal information

Transmission of information to third persons

Your information may be sent to other persons or organizations only in the cases provided for by law.

In certain circumstances, the Assemblée nationale may transmit your personal information to its service providers or partners.

In some cases, your consent is required for information to be transmitted. However, certain personal information may be released to a service provider without your consent, in accordance with the Act, when doing so is necessary for carrying out a mandate or performing a contract for work or services entrusted to the service provider by the Assemblée nationale. Such a service provider may use your personal information only for the purpose of providing the services entrusted to it.

For example, the Assemblée nationale may release your personal information to providers of the following services:

  • reservation processing services;
  • payment processing services;
  • communications, email and cookie management services;
  • information processing services and products;
  • cloud computing, web hosting and data processing services.

When the Assemblée nationale transmits your personal information to these service providers, it makes sure that the contracts contain the necessary provisions to ensure that your personal information will remain confidential.

Transmission of information outside Québec

Certain personal information may be transmitted to a person or a body outside Québec to whom the Assemblé has entrusted the task of collecting, using, transmitting or storing the information.

In such a situation, the Assemblée nationale ensures that the information receives adequate protection, in particular in light of generally recognized principles regarding the protection of personal information. In addition, when the Assemblée nationale seeks consent for the collection of personal information, it specifies whether the information will be sent outside Québec.


Cookies are small text files that websites ask your browser to store on your computer or mobile device.

Some of the cookies this website uses to ensure that it functions properly do not require your consent. These cookies may include persistent cookies, which are saved to your device and are not automatically deleted when you close your browser, or session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser. You can delete persistent cookies by deleting your browsing history.

The Assemblée nationale website also uses analytics cookies, specifically, Google Analytics and Matomo, tools that make it possible to measure the website’s audience and to analyze visits. These tools use cookies to collect browsing data, including

  • the computer’s truncated IP address (the address is not logged in a format that could be used to identify a web user);
  • the Internet service provider;
  • the operating system (e.g. MacOS, Windows);
  • the device type and model (e.g. iPhone 12);
  • the browser type, language, version and other related data (e.g. Chrome, Safari);
  • the region or town where the user is located;
  • the address of the referring site;
  • the point of origin (e.g. advertising banner, email, social network);
  • the pages visited on (e.g. viewing order, interactions on the page, date, time, duration and frequency of visits and activities (e.g. clicks, scrolling, etc.)).

Your consent is required to enable the use of these cookies. The first time you visit a website managed by the Assemblée nationale, you will be invited to accept or refuse these cookies.

Accepting or blocking analytics cookies

When you accept the use of analytics cookies, your consent will be valid for 12 months. You can withdraw your consent at any time. You can also configure your browser to block cookies from being saved on your device.

Third-party cookies

The Assemblée nationale uses tools provided by third parties, who may store information outside of Québec, including in the United States. For more information on how the information collected is used, the Assemblée nationale invites you to consult the terms of these two tools:

Storing and destroying personal information

Storing personal information

The Assemblée nationale stores your personal information securely for as long as it uses that information to perform its activities, carry out its mission and offer its services to you. The Assemblée nationale will store the information in accordance with the time periods specified in its classification and preservation repository.

Destroying personal information

Once the personal information has reached the end of its cycle, the Assemblée nationale will securely destroy or anonymize it, using best practices.

Personal information protection measures

The Assemblée nationale is responsible for protecting the personal information that it holds. It takes all security measures required to protect personal information belonging to you that it has collected, used, transmitted, stored or destroyed.

These measures include

  • physical protection measures: management of physical access and use of secured equipment (locked filing cabinets);
  • technological protection measures: secure IT components, password management, identification and authentication procedures;
  • administrative protection measures: normative framework, training and awareness in personal information protection and information security.

Rights of the person concerned by personal information

Accessing and correcting your personal information

The Assemblée nationale undertakes to respect its website visitors’ right to protection of personal information, namely with regard to

  • respect of the confidentiality of the information;
  • access to the information;
  • correction of the information if it turns out to be incomplete or inaccurate;
  • deletion of the information if its collection, transmission or storage is not authorized by law.

You can file an access request in order to consult the personal information concerning you held by the Assemblée nationale. To do so, contact the person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information. You can also contact that person if you wish to correct the personal information concerning you.

To gain access to your personal information or correct it, you must submit a written request, by mail, fax or email, to the person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information:

Me Valérie Roy
Assemblée nationale du Québec
Édifice André-Laurendeau
1050, rue des Parlementaires
5e étage, bureau 5.13
Québec (Québec)  G1A 1A3

  • Phone :
    • city of Québec area: 418 528-0020
    • toll-free number: 1 866 DÉPUTÉS (1 866 337-8837)
  • Fax: 418 528-0993
  • Email:

Privacy policy implementation and complaints

At the Assemblée nationale, Me Valérie Roy is the person in charge of access to documents and protection of personal information. She is also in charge of implementing the privacy policy. For questions about this policy, please contact Me Roy using the contact information given above.

You can consult the Assemblée nationale’s personal information management policy (French only).

If you believe that the Assemblée nationale has failed to comply with its protection of personal information obligations under the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, please consult the complaint procedure.

Policy last updated on May 3, 2024