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The National Assembly: At the Heart of Our Democracy

Category: Promotional
Languages: French, English
Format: Folder, PDF document (528 KB)


This folder looks at the responsibilities of the Assemblée’s 125 Members, including their roles as legislators, overseers and intermediaries. It defines the concept of the State and the 3 powers—legislative, executive and judiciary—on which it rests. Lastly, it gives information about the Assemblée nationale’s website, the Assembly Channel, and activities open to the public at the Hôtel du Parlement: attending parliamentary proceedings, dining at the Le Parlementaire restaurant or the Café du Parlement, taking a guided tour, visiting the gift shop, or browsing in the library.

Cost: Free

For a printed copy of the folder, contact the Direction des communications at 418-643-1357, toll-free at 1-866-337-8837) or online at