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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Request to exempt Indigenous students from the provisions of the Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec

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Request to exempt Indigenous students from the provisions of the Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec

To sign this petition, you must complete 3 steps:

  1. Step 1: fill out the form that appears below the text of the petition and send it (you must accept the signing conditions before sending the form).
  2. Step 2: consult your electronic mailbox and open the message sent by the Assembly.
  3. Step 3: in this message, click on the link enabling you to register your signature.

You may sign a petition only once.

Petition text

WHEREAS the Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec (2022, c. 14, hereinafter “Law 14”) was put in place to preserve the French language in Québec, without taking into account the preservation of Indigenous languages;

WHEREAS many Indigenous students do not have a Certificate of eligibility for English-language education and are therefore subject to all the requirements of Law 14;

WHEREAS Law 14 imposes educational and linguistic restrictions on Indigenous students enrolled in CEGEP and restricts their individual rights to choose their language of instruction based on their career goals;

WHEREAS Law 14 requires Indigenous students with little or no knowledge of French to take additional French courses at levels beyond their abilities, thereby compromising their chances of academic success, particularly with regard to the Épreuve uniforme de français;

WHEREAS there is no specific funding or support program for Indigenous students to help them comply with the language requirements of Law 14; they are, therefore, left to fend for themselves;

WHEREAS Law 14 acts as a deterrent for Indigenous students in their pursuit of their post-secondary education as it creates an educational barrier for these students;

We, the undersigned, ask the Quebec Government to exempt all Indigenous students from Law 14.

Signing deadline : September 30, 2024

Number of signatures : 2001

To sign the petition

To sign the petition

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Signing conditions

Signing conditions

  • I have read the petition and support it.
  • I agree to have my family name, given name and place of residence appear on the list of signatures.
  • The information I have provided is accurate.

Need help?

Telephone: 418 643-7239 or, toll free, 1 866 337-8837