Preparing a Brief
A brief is a document in which an individual or an organization expresses a point of view on a matter that is a subject of a public consultation.
Who Receives Briefs?
Briefs and other documents submitted to the committee clerk are sent to the MNAs who are members of the committee concerned and their associates.
Unless the committee decides otherwise, the brief and all the personal information it contains are made public. Each brief received within the framework of a public consultation is published on the Assemblée nationale website.
If you wish to include private or personal information in your brief, please contact the clerk of the appropriate committee.
What Should My Brief Contain?
Your brief must convey your point of view on the matter as clearly as possible and be based on facts.
We recommend you split your brief into three sections:
- Identification and description of the author or the represented organization
- General presentation of your views
- Recommendations
Although briefs can take many different forms, we recommend you provide a summary if your brief exceeds 10 pages. For general consultations, your brief must include a short summary of its content.
A template (PDF, 37 KB) is available to help you write your brief, if necessary.
A brief that includes comments that are defamatory, abusive or obscene or that incite hatred or violence may be refused.
What Formats Are Accepted and How Can I Submit My Brief
All briefs must meet the following requirements:
- Submitted on letter-format paper (21.5 cm x 28 cm or 8.5 in x 11 in);
- Received before the submission deadline for general consultations and before the end of hearings for special consultations; and
- Sent, including appendices, in a single unlocked PDF-format document.
Please submit your brief by email to the appropriate committee and include the names of the brief’s authors and their contact information. If you are unable to send your brief by email, you may send it by mail instead.
Contacting Parliamentary Committees
To submit a brief or for further information on public consultations, contact the Direction des commissions parlementaires.