Display language of the road safety advisories
Petition text
WHEREAS the Charter of the French Language (Charter) establishes French as the official language of Quebec;
WHEREAS the preamble of the Charter states that, “…in a spirit of fairness and open-mindedness, respectful of the institutions of the English-speaking community of Québec, and respectful of the ethnic minorities, ...”;
WHEREAS French must be the only language on traffic signs, the second paragraph of section 22 of the Charter states that the French language may be accompanied by another language when indicated by reason of health or public safety and where no symbol or pictograph exists;
WHEREAS the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) and the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications (MCC) have abstained from applying the second paragraph of section 22 to most, if not all traffic signs dealing with health or public safety, including, but not limited to, traffic signs stating «Pour votre sécurité», «Respectez les feux de voies», «Risque d’aquaplanage», «Dégel», «Ralentir», «Allumez vos phares», «Voie cahoteuse», «Sécurité», «Incident voie droite bloquée», as well as electronic alerts and messages, which are solely in French and without any symbol or pictograph;
WHEREAS the safety of every person should be of primordial importance;
We, the undersigned, ask that the MTQ and the MCC take the necessary steps in order that all traffic signs and electronic alerts/messages dealing with public safety or health be in both French and English, when no symbol or pictograph exists, according to the second paragraph of section 22.
The signing period for this petition is over.
Signing deadline : March 2, 2017
Number of signatures : 6938
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