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Awareness, early diagnosis and access regarding mental health care

Petition text

CONSIDERING THAT the objective of the Canadian health care policy is to protect, promote and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers;

CONSIDERING THAT one in five Quebeckers will suffer from a mental illness in their lifetime;

CONSIDERING THAT 80% of people who commit suicide are suffering from depression;

CONSIDERING THAT for the past 40 years, suicide has been claiming over 1000 victims per year;

CONSIDERING THAT 70% of mental illnesses begin in early childhood and adolescence, and that early diagnosis and treatment permits a quicker recovery;

CONSIDERING THAT the World Health Organization predicts than in 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disease after cardiovascular diseases;

CONSIDERING THAT most people do not recognize the signs of mental illness, they do not seek the required help, or they wait too long to get it;

CONSIDERING THAT mental health problems greatly impact the economy;

CONSIDERING THAT broad Government awareness campaigns have proven their worth;

We, the undersigned, ask that the Government of Québec;

  • Provide an adequate budget to educate Quebeckers on mental health;
  • Evaluate every child and adolescent at least once yearly to ensure that they are in good mental health;
  • Permit Quebeckers to have direct access to a psychologist without a doctor's referral, and ask that said consultations be paid by the RAMQ.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : April 23, 2018

Number of signatures : 6450

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