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Home > Voice Your Opinion! > Starting, Signing or Viewing a Petition > Petition: Removal of public educational institutions from the application of Bill 21, An act respecting the laicity of the State

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Removal of public educational institutions from the application of Bill 21, An act respecting the laicity of the State

Petition text

WHEREAS the Government tabled Bill 21, An act respecting the laicity of the State, on March 28, 2019;

WHEREAS Bill 21 prohibits teachers of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of a school board established under the Education Act of wearing religious symbols in the exercise of their functions (Schedule II (10));

WHEREAS freedom of religion, which includes the right to wear religious symbols, is guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;

WHEREAS Bill 21 discriminates against current and future teachers based upon their religious belief;

WHEREAS the broad area of learning in the Québec Educational Program entitled Citizenship and Community Life has the educational aim to ensure that students “develop a spirit of openness and respect for diversity”;

WHEREAS the diversity of society should be reflected in our schools as they exist in our larger communities;

WHEREAS wearing a religious symbol has no bearing on the quality of teaching or on the ability of the teacher to teach in an objective and neutral manner;

We, the undersigned, call upon the Government of Québec to remove public educational institutions from the application of Bill 21.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : June 7, 2019

Number of signatures : 1644

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