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Home > Parliamentary Proceedings > Committee Proceedings > Institutions > Form for sending a request to be heard

Form for sending a request to be heard

General consultation and public hearings on Bill 60: Charter affirming the values of State secularism and religious neutrality and of equality between women and men, and providing a framework for accommodation requests

Use this form to request to be heard during the public hearings without submitting a brief. Note that such a request can only be made by an individual, not by an organization.

In the space marked “Summary of the presentation”, please outline the presentation you would like to make before the committee. 

The committee will choose whom it will hear during the public hearings from among all those who submit a request. A period not exceeding 45 minutes is set aside for these presentations.

Download in PDF format in order to submit by mail


Fill out the form on the screen to submit your request to be heard online

Fill out the form on the screen to submit your request to be heard online

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in for a request to be considered. All other fields are optional. There is space in the field marked “Summary of the presentation” for the equivalent of five pages of text. Click on the icon “Print page” at the top centre of this page to print the form before submitting it electronically.

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