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Home > Members > Cercle des femmes parlementaires > Meeting between the members of the Comité des anciennes parlementaires du Québec (committee of former women parliamentarians) and the Cercle des femmes parlementaires (circle of women Members of the Assemblée nationale)

Meeting between the members of the Comité des anciennes parlementaires du Québec (committee of former women parliamentarians) and the Cercle des femmes parlementaires (circle of women Members of the Assemblée nationale)

At the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Amicale des anciens parlementaires du Québec (association of former parliamentarians), the members of the Comité des anciennes parlementaires (committee of former women parliamentarians) and the Cercle des femmes parlementaires (circle of women Members of the National Assembly) held a breakfast meeting where they discussed topics related to women’s experiences in parliamentary life.

At the 24th Annual General Meeting of the Amicale des anciens parlementaires du Québec (association of former parliamentarians), the members of the Comité des anciennes parlementaires (committee of former women parliamentarians) and the Cercle des femmes parlementaires (circle of women Members of the Assemblée nationale) held a breakfast meeting where they discussed topics related to women's experiences in parliamentary life.