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Cercle des jeunes parlementaires du Québec

About the Cercle

Challenge and Mission

The Cercle des jeunes parlementaires du Québec (circle of young parliamentarians of Québec) is intended to give Québec’s next generation of parliamentarians greater access to decision-making bodies and ensure a better representation of the population within democratic institutions.

The Cercle’s project is part of a common, non-partisan ambition to promote public commitment and involvement in active politics among individuals 35 and under. By implementing the Cercle in the 42nd Legislature, the Assemblée nationale du Québec is creating a forum for discussion and reflection to propose concrete approaches that will encourage this age group to get involved, in particular as elected officials.


Following the October 3, 2022 general election, the average age of MNAs was 51, making the 43rd Legislature slightly younger than the average over the last five legislatures (51.5 years). There were 10 MNAs aged 35 years or younger, i.e. three fewer than during the previous legislature.

Neutrality and Pluralism

The Cercle is a neutral, non-partisan, informal entity, whose positions and decisions reflect the principle of political pluralism. To this end, it must consider the interests and political sensitivities of the various parties represented in the Assemblée nationale and cannot take a stand on subjects nor hold activities that run counter to these principles.


The Cercle’s objectives are

  • to encourage young people’s involvement in democratic institutions;
  • to raise young people’s awareness about the importance of being involved in decision-making bodies;
  • to awaken the desire in individuals 35 and under to get involved in politics, in particular as elected officials;
  • to defend and promote the interests of MNAs 35 and under;
  • to make the Assemblée nationale more representative of Québec’s population;
  • to serve the public interest;
  • to foster solidarity among young MNAs.

Types of activities

To reach its objectives, the Cercle organizes meetings, conferences, workshops and symposiums where its members can discuss ideas with participants to promote, among other things, better representation of people 35 and under in the Assemblée nationale.

The Cercle may participate in various mock parliaments of the Assemblée nationale to encourage the knowledge sharing among elected officials 35 and under and the next generation. It can take steps to raise public awareness about the importance of people 35 and under participating in decision-making bodies and democratic institutions.

The Cercle can also take a stand on matters of interest on which it adopts recommendations and motions that could be presented to the Assemblée nationale, governments, organizations or the people involved.

Members of the Cercle meet at least once a year.


The Cercle is formed at the beginning of each Legislature. The Office of the President of the Assemblée nationale then calls in all MNAs 35 and under for the Cercle’s first meeting. These young parliamentarians are Members of the Cercle for the duration of the Legislature.

Parliamentarians elected in a by-election who are the required age to be part of the Cercle become members of the Cercle for the remainder of the Legislature.

Participation in the Cercle’s activities is voluntary.


The President of the Assemblée nationale is an honorary member of the Cercle.

A select committee, called the "steering committee", administers the Cercle’s routine proceedings. The committee is made up of one member from each political party represented in the Assemblée nationale. These representatives are chosen by their peers within each party. They act as the Cercle’s Co-Chairs.

At the beginning of each Legislature, members of the Cercle elect the Co-Chairs, who immediately take office upon their election, and their term runs for the duration of the Legislature.

The Cercle does not have its own budget.

Circle Activities

Coming soon.

Contact Us

For any questions or comments about the Cercle, contact us at