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Bill 14 and exemption for children of Francophone members of the Canadian Armed Forces

Petition text

WHEREAS Bill 14 – An Act to amend the Charter of the French language, the Charter of human rights and freedoms and other legislative provisions was introduced on December 5 th, 2012;

WHEREAS sections 79, 80, 81, 88 and 89 aim to disallow temporary certificates of eligibility issued to children of Francophone members of the Canadian Armed Forces stationed in Québec, the government would respect the temporary certificates already issued, but with no possibility of renewal;

WHEREAS the military represent with dignity and courage, at the peril of their lives, Québec and all the other Canadian provinces and territories during Canadian and international missions;

WHEREAS due to the mobility inherent to military life, members of the Armed Forces are subject to be transferred anywhere in Canada or out of country; many of them request this temporary exemption so that their children may be versed in both of Canada’s official languages;

WHEREAS sections 79, 80, 81, 88 and 89 would lead to additional and unnecessary levels of stress, uncertainty and insecurity for military families, and more particularly for their children;

WHEREAS this exemption, in no way bears prejudice to the French language in Québec;

WHEREAS the said exemption was granted over 30 years ago by the Parti Québécois, led by the late Mr. René Lévesque;

We, citizens of Québec, request that sections 79, 80, 81, 88 and 89 of the proposed Bill 14 be removed from Bill 14.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : March 25, 2013

Number of signatures : 10097

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