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Bill 28 and a request for amendments concerning medical specialists

Petition text

WHEREAS current legal expertises are not controlled and entail huge costs for the State;

WHEREAS medical experts are chosen by interested parties;

WHEREAS medical experts are not all members of the Ordre des médecins spécialistes du Québec;

WHEREAS medical experts are not submitted to any professional supervision in the field of expertise;

WHEREAS charges for medical reports impoverish citizens already in a precarious situation;

WHEREAS patients under expertise are denied the right to be accompanied during medical examinations;

WHEREAS private insurance companies proceed to early cessation of payments due under long term disability contracts;

WHEREAS patients to be submitted to a medical examination have often to go out of their jurisdiction;

We, the undersigned, ask the Government of Québec to amend Bill 28 in order that:

  • It be mandatory for medical experts to become members and be supervised by the Ordre des médecins spécialistes which would make public an annual register of expertise reports;
  • Medical experts be appointed by the Court of Québec and that costs be paid by the party dismissed;
  • Expert physicians recognize the patient's right to be accompanied when expertised and do so in the patient's jurisdiction;
  • In civil actions, private insurers continue to pay benefits to their customers until the Court of Québec has rendered a judgment.

The signing period for this petition is over.

Signing deadline : July 1, 2015

Number of signatures : 1714

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