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Home > Parliamentary Proceedings > Committee Proceedings > Public Finance > Hearing the Auditor General of Québec with respect to his will to implement the mandate entrusted to him by the National Assembly on September 24, 2013, following the passing of a motion instructing him to analyze the economic update to be presented by the Minister of Finance and the Economy for 2013–2014

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Committee on Public Finance

Hearing the Auditor General of Québec with respect to his will to implement the mandate entrusted to him by the National Assembly on September 24, 2013, following the passing of a motion instructing him to analyze the economic update to be presented by the Minister of Finance and the Economy for 2013–2014

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Detailed hearing schedule (PDF) (PDF, 44 KB) 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Journal des débats Vol. 43 N° 72 (Version finale)

  • Séance de travail - Déterminer les observations, conclusions et recommandations de la Commission suite à l’audition du Vérificateur général au sujet de sa volonté de mettre en œuvre le mandat confié par l'Assemblée nationale, le 24 septembre dernier, à la suite de l'adoption d'une motion l'enjoignant à analyser la mise à jour économique que présentera le ministre des Finances et de l'Économie relativement à l'année 2013-2014
    • Wednesday, November 6, 2013