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Audrey Bogemans

Audrey Bogemans

  • Member for Iberville
  • Coalition avenir Québec
  • Temporary Chair


Here visitors can view the Member’s statements and questions in the Assemblée nationale or parliamentary committee. These interventions are recorded in the Journal des débats (Hansard).

In the "Link to intervention" column, interventions identified by a time of day may contain transcription errors, because they refer to a preliminary unrevised version of the Journal des débats. They were uploaded to make Members' interventions quickly accessible. The time displayed corresponds to the time at which the intervention was made.

In the table, a subject is associated with each intervention once the final version of the Journal des débats is made available. The time displayed corresponds to the time at which the intervention was made.

For more on editions of the Journal des débats (Hansard) available online through the Assemblée nationale website

Date Subject Link to intervention Place
2024-10-22 Subject to be announced 13 h 30 Assembly
2024-10-09 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-10-08 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-26 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-24 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-09-24 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-24 Subject to be announced 17 h CSESJ
2024-09-19 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-19 Subject to be announced 16 h CSESJ
2024-09-17 Subject to be announced 15 h CSESJ
2024-09-17 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-17 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-16 Subject to be announced 15 h CSESJ
2024-09-16 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-16 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CSESJ
2024-09-12 Subject to be announced 14 h CSESJ
2024-06-05 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CPPD
2024-06-05 Subject to be announced 15 h CPPD
2024-06-05 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CPPD
2024-06-05 Subject to be announced 16 h CPPD
2024-06-05 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CPPD
2024-05-30 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 15 h CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 16 h CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 17 h CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 18 h CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CPF
2024-05-21 Subject to be announced 19 h CPF
2024-05-10 Subject to be announced 11 h CAFENR
2024-05-10 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CAFENR
2024-05-09 Subject to be announced 15 h CHSS
2024-05-09 Subject to be announced 16 h CHSS
2024-05-09 Subject to be announced Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-05-08 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CPF
2024-04-25 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CAFENR
2024-04-25 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CAFENR
2024-04-25 Bilodeau, Jean-Charles/Acte de civisme/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-25 Jeanson, Éric/Acte de bravoure/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-04-17 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2024-04-17 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2024-04-17 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 10 h CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 11 h CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CCR
2024-04-12 Subject to be announced 12 h CCR
2024-04-11 Premier répondant/Services/Henryville (municipalité)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-03-27 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2024-03-21 Subject to be announced 15 h CTE
2024-03-20 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CTE
2024-03-20 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2024-03-19 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CLE
2024-02-22 Services de garde à la petite enfance/Iberville (circonscription électorale)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2024-02-21 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 18 h CTE
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CTE
2024-02-20 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2024-02-14 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2024-02-08 Subject to be announced 13 h CTE
2024-02-08 Bénévole/Carnaval Iber-Neige/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-02-01 Subject to be announced 15 h CTE
2024-01-30 Rongeur/Piège collant/Interdiction/Pétition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2024-01-30 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-12-07 Régime de rentes du Québec/Personne retraitée/Invalidité/Projet de loi n° 690 Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-12-05 Compo Haut-Richelieu inc. (compagnie)/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-30 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CAFENR
2023-11-30 Subject to be announced 12 h CAFENR
2023-11-30 Subject to be announced 17 h CAFENR
2023-11-21 Action communautaire/Iberville (circonscription électorale)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-08 Chaîne d'alimentation/Profit/Enquête/Affaire inscrite (motion) Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-08 Pinsonneault, Yvan/Ange-Gardien (municipalité)/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-07 Association des pompiers auxiliaires de la Montérégie/Anniversaire de fondation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-11-02 Serres Sainte-Anne inc. (compagnie)/Bourse AgrEauresponsable or Desjardins/Récipiendaire/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-20 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CHSS
2023-10-20 Subject to be announced 11 h CHSS
2023-10-17 Complexe Hôtelier La Cache du Lac Champlain inc./Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Obésité/Maladie chronique/Pétition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-10-03 Obésité/Médicament/Remboursement/Pétition Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-28 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCR
2023-09-27 Subject to be announced 12 h CCR
2023-09-27 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2023-09-27 Subject to be announced 17 h CCR
2023-09-21 Subject to be announced 12 h CCR
2023-09-21 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCR
2023-09-21 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2023-09-20 Subject to be announced 15 h CCR
2023-09-19 Balade de rêve (événement)/Fondation Le Renfort Grande Ligne/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-09-19 Subject to be announced 10 h CCR
2023-09-19 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2023-09-19 Subject to be announced 20 h CCR
2023-09-14 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCR
2023-09-13 Subject to be announced 17 h CCR
2023-09-13 Subject to be announced 16 h CCR
2023-09-13 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCR
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 11 h CCR
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CCR
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 17 h 30 CCR
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 19 h 30 CCR
2023-09-12 Subject to be announced 20 h CCR
2023-06-06 Clark, Peter/Service de sécurité incendie Clarenceville-Noyan/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-02 Guertin Lachance, Françoise/Sainte-Angèle-de-Monnoir (municipalité)/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-06-01 Subject to be announced 12 h CI
2023-05-31 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-05-31 Club FADOQ Henryville/Anniversaire de fondation/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-30 Subject to be announced 17 h CTE
2023-05-24 Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées/Personne âgée/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-11 LeBrun, Andréanne/Prix de la Fondation Jean-Charles-Bonenfant/Finaliste/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-05-10 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 9 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 10 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 11 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 12 h CTE
2023-05-09 Subject to be announced 18 h 30 CTE
2023-05-04 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CCR
2023-05-04 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CCR
2023-05-03 Société d'histoire et de généalogie des Quatre Lieux/Iberville (circonscription électorale)/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 12 h CAFENR
2023-05-02 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CAFENR
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-04-26 Subject to be announced 16 h CTE
2023-04-06 Société d'histoire de la seigneurie de Monnoir/Marieville/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-30 Subject to be announced 14 h CPF
2023-03-28 Touchette, Fernand/Maison Victor-Gadbois, La/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-23 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CHSS
2023-03-23 Subject to be announced 14 h 30 CHSS
2023-03-16 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CHSS
2023-03-15 Subject to be announced 11 h 30 CHSS
2023-03-14 Dupont, Alexandre/Athlète paralympique/Hommage/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-03-14 Subject to be announced 11 h CHSS
2023-02-22 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CI
2023-02-16 Persévérance scolaire/Journée thématique/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-10 Subject to be announced 11 h CAFENR
2023-02-08 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CAFENR
2023-02-08 Subject to be announced 15 h CAFENR
2023-02-08 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CAFENR
2023-02-08 Subject to be announced 16 h 30 CAFENR
2023-02-07 Subject to be announced 10 h 30 CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 12 h 30 CTE
2023-02-02 Subject to be announced 14 h CTE
2023-02-02 Quadriptyque (installation artistique)/Artiste/Félicitations/Déclaration de député Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly
2023-02-01 Subject to be announced 12 h CAFENR
2023-01-31 Subject to be announced 16 h CAFENR
2022-12-06 Subject to be announced 15 h 30 CAFENR
2022-12-06 Discours d'ouverture/Débat parlementaire Journal des débats (Hansard) for the Assembly Assembly