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Documents tabled on Thursday, March 21, 2019

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Expenditure Management Strategy – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 1 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  445-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Annual Expenditure Management Plans of the Departments and Bodies – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 2 (French and English versions) (PDF, 5 MB)  446-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Estimates of the Departments and Bodies – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 3 (French and English versions) (PDF, 3 MB)  447-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Special Funds Budget – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 4 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  448-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Budget of the Bodies Other than Budget-Funded Bodies – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 5 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  449-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Estimates and Annual Expenditure Management Plans of the National Assembly and Persons Appointed by the National Assembly – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 6 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  450-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Additional Information – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget – Volume 7 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  451-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration Québec’s Public Infrastructures, March 2019 – 2019–2029 Québec Infrastructure Plan – 2019–2020 Annual Management Plans for Public Infrastructure Investments – 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget –Volume 8 (French and English versions) (PDF, 3 MB)  452-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Dubé, Christian, Minister Responsible for Government Administration 2019–2020 Expenditure Budget in Brief (PDF, 516 KB)  453-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Paradis, François, President of the National Assembly The new seating plan of the National Assembly, dated 21 March 2019 (PDF, 161 KB)  454-20190321 Other
2019-03-21 Provençal, Luc, Chair of the Committee on Health and Social Services Report from the Committee on Health and Social Services, which held public hearings - Special consultations on Bill 7, An Act respecting certain terms of employment applicable to officers of the health and social services network (PDF, 667 KB)  455-20190321 Committee report
2019-03-21 Roy, Sylvain, Member for Bonaventure The abstract of a petition on the Government assessment and action plan with regard to cancer prevention, signed by 688 citizens of Québec (PDF, 37 KB)  456-20190321 Abstract of a petition
2019-03-21 Chassin, Youri, Member for Saint-Jérôme The abstract of a petition on using Vitamin C infusion therapies in Québec, signed by 119,875 citizens of Québec (PDF, 32 KB)  457-20190321 Abstract of a petition
2019-03-21 Roy, Sylvain, Member for Bonaventure The abstract of a petition on the Government assessment and action plan with regard to cancer prevention, signed by 1,128 citizens of Québec (PDF, 37 KB)  458-20190321 Abstract of a petition
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Budget Speech – Budget 2019–2020 (French and English versions) (PDF, 376 KB)  459-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Budget Plan – Budget 2019–2020 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  460-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Additional Information – Budget 2019–2020 (French and English versions) (PDF, 600 KB)  461-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Budget in Brief – Budget 2019–2020 (French and English versions) (PDF, 2 MB)  462-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Summary of consolidated budgetary transactions – 2018–2019 preliminary results – Table 1 (PDF, 14 KB)  463-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Summary of consolidated budgetary transactions – 2019–2020 forecast – Table 2 (PDF, 14 KB)  464-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Consolidated revenues – 2019–2020 forecast – Table 3 (PDF, 18 KB)  465-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Consolidated expenditures – 2019–2020 forecast – Table 4 (PDF, 13 KB)  466-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Consolidated expenditures – 2019–2020 forecast – Table 5 (PDF, 19 KB)  467-20190321 Budget speech
2019-03-21 Girard, Eric, Minister of Finance Non-budgetary transactions – 2019–2020 forecast – Table 6 (PDF, 13 KB)  468-20190321 Budget speech