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Documents tabled on Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Documents made public by an MNA during a sitting of the Assemblée nationale are called tabled documents. They become part of the public record.

Among the documents tabled in the Assemblée, only reports by the Officers of the Assemblée nationale, annual reports, committee reports and the strategic plans of Gouvernement du Québec departments and bodies are available online (within 48 hours of being tabled).

Only the printed version of a document, physically presented to the Assemblée, is official.

For more on tabled documents and on consulting documents that are not available online

Documents tabled
Date of tabling Tabled by Title Number Category
2019-06-11 Guilbault, Geneviève, Deputy Premier The 2018-2019 annual report of the Commission de la Capitale Nationale du Québec (PDF, 10 MB)  676-20190611 Annual report
2019-06-11 Julien, Jonatan, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources The 2018-2019 annual report of the Régie de l’énergie (PDF, 1 MB)  677-20190611 Annual report
2019-06-11 Boulet, Jean, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity The 2018 annual management report of the Commission de la construction du Québec (PDF, 6 MB)  678-20190611 Annual report
2019-06-11 Boulet, Jean, Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity The actuarial report of the Québec Parental Insurance Plan, as at 31 December 2018 (PDF, 2 MB)  679-20190611 Other
2019-06-11 Paradis, François, President of the National Assembly The Québec Lobbyists Commissioner’s report on lobbying simplicity, clarity, pertinence and efficiency, entitled “Simplicité, clarté, pertinence, efficacité: Réforme de l’encadrement du lobbyisme”. The report was accompanied by a letter from Me François Routhier, Lobbyists Commissioner (PDF, 8 MB)  680-20190611 Other
2019-06-11 Paradis, François, President of the National Assembly The legislative enactment passed by the members of the 23rd Legislature of the Student Parliament on 3 May 2019 (PDF, 243 KB)  681-20190611 Other
2019-06-11 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to petitions tabled on 9 April 2019 by Mr. Lemieux (Saint-Jean) on an amendment to article 611 of the Civil Code of Québec regarding relations between children and their grandparents (PDF, 41 KB)  682-20190611 Government's written answer to a petition
2019-06-11 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to the petition tabled on 10 April 2019 by Mrs. Lavallée (Repentigny) on teaching practical skills to secondary school students (PDF, 58 KB)  683-20190611 Government's written answer to a petition
2019-06-11 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to the petition tabled on 1 May 2019 by Mrs. Richard (Duplessis) on the Société des traversiers du Québec’s services (PDF, 63 KB)  684-20190611 Government's written answer to a petition
2019-06-11 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Government House Leader The Government’s reply to the petition tabled on 2 May 2019 by Mrs. Maccarone (Westmount-Saint-Louis) on recognizing the value of educational childcare services and the profession of early childhood educator (PDF, 53 KB)  685-20190611 Government's written answer to a petition
2019-06-11 Jolin-Barrette, Simon, Government House Leader The reply to a written question from Mr. Zanetti (Jean-Lesage) on a draft reform of the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information – Question No. 58, Order Paper and Notices of 28 May 2019 (PDF, 34 KB)  686-20190611 Answers to written questions
2019-06-11 Leitão, Carlos J., Chair of the Committee on Public Administration Report from the Committee on Public Administration - Hearing deputy ministers and heads of public bodies - 39th report (PDF, 3 MB)  687-20190611 Committee report
2019-06-11 St-Pierre, Christine, Chair of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment Report from the Committee on Transportation and the Environment - Special consultations on Bill 26, An Act respecting the Réseau structurant de transport en commun de la Ville de Québec (PDF, 670 KB)  688-20190611 Committee report
2019-06-11 Ghazal, Ruba, Member for Mercier The abstract of a petition on a moratorium on the Royalmount project, signed by 1,374 citizens of Québec (PDF, 39 KB)  689-20190611 Abstract of a petition
2019-06-11 Rizqy, Marwah, Member for Saint-Laurent A copy of a table on a $4.6M announcement by the Liberal Government entitled “2017 – Annonce de 4,6 M$ du gouvernement libéral” (PDF, 20 KB)  690-20190611 Other