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Landtag of Bavaria

Image Landtag of Bavaria

A Brief History

The Assemblée nationale du Québec and the Landtag (Parliament) of Bavaria signed an interparliamentary co-operation agreement in 2002, under which a joint Québec-Bavaria parliamentary committee (PDF, 243 KB) was established. The committee is composed of Members of the Assemblée and the Landtag and generally meets once a year, alternating between the city of Québec and Munich. Discussions focus on such issues of common interest as immigration and integration policies, childcare services and renewable energy.

The Assemblée nationale Delegation for Relations with Bavaria (DANRBA) fosters ties between the Assemblée and the Landtag of Bavaria and is also responsible for relations with the German Federal Parliament and the other Länder (federal states).

Patrick Giasson

Steering Committee

André Albert Morin

Morin, André Albert

Vice-chair of the National Assembly Delegation for Relations with Bavaria

Sébastien Schneeberger

Schneeberger, Sébastien

Vice-chair of the National Assembly Delegation for Relations with Bavaria

Other Documents

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